
“You deserve it”

by Christine Yanni

“You deserve it”

  You deserve to enjoy your life on earth as long as you live. You deserve to be beloved and appreciated. You desreve to be hugged. You deserve to explain your point of view whenever it needs to be understood too. You deserve to do what you’re talented to do and succeed in achieving your goals.

 You deserve to feel soothed whenever you cry or whenever you are sorrowed and have your tears wipped away. So don’t ban crying when you need so.

 You desreve to enjoy good relationships and a better relationship when you’re betrayed. Meanwhile, to complain a rude attitude or a wrong situation. You desrve to feel comforted in a society that respects your humanity, needs and freedom.

 You deserve to have a right recovery whenever you’re sick. You deserve to take your time when you’re asked to answer a question or to decide a solution for critical situation.

 You deserve living right as you are a human being and life is too short. we need to breath pure air and spend less times with problems and sickness. We need to struggle for enjoying our life in all circumstances but without tresspassing other’s rights. However, it doesn’t mean that life is easy. It just needs patience and wisdom to undeestand its difficulty. Because we deserve to live it.

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